Valley of the Butterflies

Valley of the Butterflies

To Valley of the Butterflies, this rare habitat across Europe, a myriad of butterflies make a magical journey inviting you into their fairy magic. This amazing place is located northwest of Rhodes, in an area of ​​600 acres. Here we are talking about a green valley, full of streams, ponds with water lilies, small waterfalls that gush fresh water, trees and ivy. Among the natural paths of the tropical landscape, there are small wooden bridges that make your walk easier, as you can see for yourself all kinds of unique butterflies.
From the mid of June to late September a colorful cloud of butterflies covers the beautiful valley making the landscape incredibly impressive and magical. "The Rhodes butterflies" travel through the night and arrive to the green area of ​​the island. The walk in this part of the island is without exaggeration fairytale. The trails lead to the top of the Valley, where you can admire the sea and the islands opposite.
The freshness of the leaves, the shade of the tall trees, the sound of cool water and the serenity of flying of fine and elegant butterflies give you the most special experience. You'll leave from there a little bit lighter and very relaxed. Guests must move slowly and carefully through the suitably shaped paths, so as not fatal to the life of the butterfly due to any strange movement. Exploring will see small stone stairs leading to the Monastery of Panagia Kalopetra, built by Demetrius Ypsilantis, in 1782.

At the entrance of the Valley will visit the Natural History Museum and you are going to find impressive the butterfly hatchery showroom with live exhibits, botanical lab and library.
Fly along with beautiful butterflies and release the spirit and soul to ally nature and strength.

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